Udon Niku Udon

Udon Niku Udon

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Udon Niku Udon is a popular Japanese dish that originated in the Kansai region, particularly in Osaka and Kyoto. "Niku" means "meat" in Japanese, and "Udon" refers to the thick, chewy noodles made from wheat flour. So, the name Udon Niku Udon literally means "meat udon noodles."

The dish typically consists of a hot soup broth made with dashi (a traditional Japanese cooking stock), mirin (a sweet Japanese cooking wine), and soy sauce. In this broth, you'll find thinly sliced beef (usually ribeye or sirloin), boiled udon noodles, and various vegetables such as shirataki (a type of jellyfish-like vegetable), shiitake mushrooms, and bamboo shoots. Some variations may also include seafood like shrimp or scallops.

When serving Udon Niku Udon, the broth is usually brought to the table in a large pot or teapot, and the noodles and vegetables are arranged neatly on a plate or in a bowl. The beef slices are often served on a separate plate.

Here's a simple recipe to try at home:


  • 250g thinly sliced beef (ribeye or sirloin)
  • 250g udon noodles
  • 2 cups dashi stock
  • 2 tablespoons mirin
  • 2 tablespoons soy sauce
  • 1 tablespoon sake (optional)
  • 1 teaspoon sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground white pepper
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon dried seaweed (optional)
  • Sliced green onions and shirataki for garnish
  • Shiitake mushrooms, bamboo shoots, and/or seafood (optional)
  • Instructions:

    1. Bring a large pot of water to a boil and blanch the udon noodles according to the package instructions. Drain and set aside.

    2. In a separate pot, combine 2 cups of dashi stock, mirin, soy sauce, sake (if using), sugar, white pepper, and salt. Bring the mixture to a simmer over medium heat.

    3. Add the sliced beef to the pot and cook for about 2-3 minutes per side, or until the beef is cooked to your desired doneness. Remove the beef from the pot and set it aside.

    4. Add the udon noodles to the pot and cook them in the broth for about 2-3 minutes, or until they're heated through.

    5. Arrange the noodles, beef slices, and vegetables (if using) attractively on a plate or in a bowl. Ladle the hot broth over the ingredients.

    6. Garnish with sliced green onions and serve immediately.

    Enjoy your delicious Udon Niku Udon!

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