Udon Kitsune Udon

Udon Kitsune Udon

Udon Kitsune Udon


Udon Kitsune Udon is a popular Japanese noodle dish consisting of thick, chewy udon noodles served in a savory broth topped with fried tofu (aburaage).


The dish originated in the Kansai region of Japan, particularly in the city of Osaka. The name "kitsune" (fox) refers to the fried tofu, which is said to resemble the ears of a fox.


  • Udon noodles
    Thick, wheat-based noodles made from flour, water, and salt.
  • Dashi broth
    A flavorful broth made from kelp (kombu) and bonito flakes (katsuobushi).
  • Fried tofu (aburaage)
    Thinly sliced tofu that is deep-fried until golden brown.
  • Sweet soy sauce
    A mixture of soy sauce, mirin, and sugar that adds sweetness and umami to the broth.
  • Green onions
    Thinly sliced green onions that provide freshness and color.
  • Preparation:

    1. Cook the udon noodles according to the package instructions.

    2. Heat the dashi broth in a pot.

    3. Add the sweet soy sauce and bring to a simmer.

    4. Add the cooked udon noodles and fried tofu to the broth.

    5. Simmer for a few minutes until the noodles are heated through.

    6. Garnish with green onions.


  • Kitsune Udon with Tempura
    Add tempura-fried vegetables or seafood to the dish for extra flavor and texture.
  • Kitsune Udon with Egg
    Crack an egg into the broth before simmering for a rich and creamy addition.
  • Kitsune Udon with Mochi
    Add chewy mochi rice cakes to the dish for a satisfying bite.
  • Nutritional Value:

    Udon Kitsune Udon is a relatively high-calorie dish, but it also provides a good source of carbohydrates, protein, and fiber. The fried tofu adds healthy fats and protein, while the green onions provide vitamins and minerals.

    Serving Suggestions:

    Udon Kitsune Udon is typically served hot as a main course or as part of a larger meal. It can be accompanied by side dishes such as rice, pickles, or tempura.

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