

Tempura: A Culinary Delight from Japan

Tempura, a beloved Japanese dish, is a culinary masterpiece that tantalizes taste buds with its crispy exterior and tender interior. This delectable treat consists of fresh seafood, vegetables, or other ingredients that are lightly battered and deep-fried to perfection.

Origins and History:

Tempura's origins can be traced back to the 16th century, when Portuguese missionaries introduced the technique of deep-frying to Japan. The Japanese quickly adopted this method and adapted it to their own culinary traditions, creating the unique dish we know today.

Ingredients and Preparation:

The key to making exceptional tempura lies in the batter. Traditionally, tempura batter is made with cold water, flour, and eggs. The batter is kept light and airy by whisking it vigorously, creating a delicate coating that allows the ingredients to shine through.

The ingredients used in tempura vary widely, but some of the most popular include:

  • Seafood
    Shrimp, squid, fish
  • Vegetables
    Asparagus, carrots, sweet potatoes
  • Other
    Tofu, mushrooms, lotus root
  • Cooking Technique:

    Tempura is cooked in a large pot or deep fryer filled with hot oil. The ingredients are dipped into the batter and then carefully lowered into the oil. The temperature of the oil is crucial, as it determines the crispiness and doneness of the tempura.

    Serving and Enjoyment:

    Tempura is typically served hot and crispy, accompanied by a dipping sauce called tentsuyu. Tentsuyu is a savory sauce made with soy sauce, mirin, and dashi broth. Tempura can also be enjoyed with grated daikon radish and grated ginger.

    Health Benefits:

    While tempura is not considered a health food, it can be a relatively healthy option when prepared with fresh ingredients and cooked in clean oil. The vegetables used in tempura provide essential vitamins and minerals, and the seafood is a good source of protein.


    Tempura is a culinary delight that embodies the essence of Japanese cuisine. Its crispy exterior, tender interior, and savory dipping sauce make it a dish that is both satisfying and unforgettable. Whether enjoyed as a main course or as a side dish, tempura is sure to tantalize your taste buds and leave you craving more.

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    These restaurants serving this dish

    Takara Steakhouse and Sushi

    Port Orange FL

    Xaga Sushi

    Merrick NY



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