Sushi Roll Tempura Roll

Sushi Roll Tempura Roll

Sushi Roll

A sushi roll is a type of sushi that is made with vinegared rice, seaweed (nori), and various fillings. The fillings can include raw or cooked fish, seafood, vegetables, or eggs. Sushi rolls are typically cut into bite-sized pieces and served with soy sauce, wasabi, and pickled ginger.

Tempura Roll

A tempura roll is a type of sushi roll that is made with fried seafood or vegetables. The seafood or vegetables are coated in a batter and then deep-fried. The tempura roll is then assembled with vinegared rice, seaweed, and other fillings. Tempura rolls are typically served with soy sauce, wasabi, and pickled ginger.

Differences Between Sushi Roll and Tempura Roll

The main difference between a sushi roll and a tempura roll is the way that the fillings are prepared. In a sushi roll, the fillings are typically raw or cooked, while in a tempura roll, the fillings are fried. This difference in preparation gives the two types of sushi rolls different flavors and textures.


Both sushi rolls and tempura rolls are popular dishes in Japan and around the world. Sushi rolls are often considered to be a more traditional type of sushi, while tempura rolls are seen as a more modern variation. However, both types of sushi rolls are enjoyed by people of all ages.

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