Shish Tawook

Shish Tawook

Shish Tawook is a popular dish in Middle Eastern cuisine, particularly in Lebanon, Jordan, and Syria. The name "Shish Tawook" comes from Turkish origins, with "Shish" meaning "skewers" and "Tawook" meaning "chicken."

Shish Tawook is made with marinated chicken pieces that are threaded onto skewers and grilled to perfection. The chicken is usually marinated in a mixture of garlic, lemon juice, yogurt, and various spices such as cumin, coriander, and paprika. This marinade not only tenderizes the chicken but also gives it a rich and tangy flavor.

Once the chicken is grilled, it is typically served with a side of vegetables such as tomatoes, onions, and bell peppers. The dish is often accompanied by pita bread, tahini sauce, or garlic sauce, and pickles. Shish Tawook can be served as a main course, or it can be enjoyed as a appetizer or street food.

Shish Tawook is a versatile dish that can be made with different cuts of chicken such as breast, thighs, or tenders. It is also a popular dish to make on the grill during barbecues and outdoor gatherings.

Overall, Shish Tawook is a delicious and flavorful dish that is loved by many. Its tangy and savory taste, combined with its tenderness and juiciness, make it a crowd favorite in Middle Eastern cuisine.

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