Shepherd S Pie

Shepherd S Pie

Shepherd's Pie


  • A traditional British dish consisting of a layer of minced lamb or mutton topped with a layer of mashed potatoes.
  • Common Sense Knowledge:

  • Origin
    The name "Shepherd's Pie" refers to the use of lamb or mutton, which were traditionally herded by shepherds.
  • Variations
  • * Cottage Pie: Made with minced beef instead of lamb.

    * Fisherman's Pie: Made with fish instead of meat.

    * Vegetarian Shepherd's Pie: Made with lentils or other vegetarian ingredients.

  • Ingredients
  • * Meat: Typically lamb or mutton, but can also be beef, pork, or chicken.

    * Vegetables: Often includes onions, carrots, and peas.

    * Mashed Potatoes: Made with boiled potatoes, butter, and milk.

  • Preparation
  • * The meat and vegetables are cooked in a pan and seasoned.

    * The mashed potatoes are spread over the meat mixture.

    * The pie is baked in the oven until the potatoes are golden brown.

  • Serving
  • * Shepherd's Pie is typically served hot with gravy or ketchup.

    * It can be accompanied by side dishes such as peas, carrots, or green beans.

  • Nutritional Value
  • * Shepherd's Pie is a hearty and nutritious dish.

    * It provides protein from the meat, carbohydrates from the potatoes, and vitamins and minerals from the vegetables.

  • Cultural Significance
  • * Shepherd's Pie is a classic British comfort food.

    * It is often associated with home cooking and family gatherings.

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