Rogan Josh

Rogan Josh

As a columnist, I am excited to introduce you to a popular dish from the Indian subcontinent - Rogan Josh! This dish is a staple in many Indian and Pakistani households, and it's a must-try for anyone who loves spicy food. So, let's dive in and explore what makes Rogan Josh so unique and delicious.

What is Rogan Josh?

Rogan Josh is a lamb-based curry that originated in the Indian subcontinent. The name "Rogan Josh" comes from the Persian language, where "Rogan" means "color" and "Josh" means "heat." True to its name, this dish is a feast for the taste buds, with a rich, deep red color and a spicy, flavorful sauce.

The History of Rogan Josh

Rogan Josh has a rich history that dates back centuries. It is believed to have originated in the Mughal Empire, which ruled much of the Indian subcontinent from the 16th to the 19th century. The Mughals were known for their love of rich, flavorful food, and Rogan Josh was one of their favorite dishes. Over time, the recipe for Rogan Josh was passed down through generations and evolved into the many variations we see today.

Ingredients Used in Rogan Josh

So, what makes Rogan Josh so delicious? The secret lies in the combination of spices and ingredients used in its preparation. Here are some of the key ingredients that give Rogan Josh its unique flavor:

1. Lamb: Rogan Josh is typically made with lamb, which is slow-cooked in a rich, spicy sauce. The lamb is usually marinated in a mixture of spices and yogurt before being cooked.

2. Aromatics: Onions, garlic, ginger, and cloves are sautéed together to create a flavorful base for the sauce.

3. Spices: A variety of spices are used in Rogan Josh, including cumin, coriander, cinnamon, cardamom, and cayenne pepper. These spices are roasted and ground into a fine powder to create a fragrant and aromatic sauce.

4. Tomatoes: Fresh tomatoes or tomato puree is added to the sauce to give it a rich, tangy flavor.

5. Yogurt: Yogurt is used to marinate the lamb and also added to the sauce to give it a creamy texture.

Preparation Method

The preparation of Rogan Josh is a slow and laborious process, but the end result is well worth the effort. Here's a basic recipe for Rogan Josh:

1. Marinate the lamb: The lamb is marinated in a mixture of spices, yogurt, and lemon juice for several hours or overnight.

2. Sauté the aromatics: Heat oil in a pan and sauté the onions, garlic, ginger, and cloves until they are soft and fragrant.

3. Add the spices: Add the roasted and ground spices to the pan and sauté for a few minutes until they are fragrant.

4. Add the tomatoes: Add fresh tomatoes or tomato puree to the pan and cook until the sauce thickens.

5. Add the lamb: Add the marinated lamb to the pan and cook until it is tender and the sauce has thickened.

6. Add the yogurt: Add the yogurt to the pan and stir well to create a creamy, rich sauce.

7. Garnish and serve: Garnish with fresh cilantro and serve with rice or roti.


Rogan Josh is a delicious and aromatic dish that is sure to tantalize your taste buds. With its rich, deep red color and spicy, flavorful sauce, it's no wonder Rogan Josh is a staple in many Indian and Pakistani households. Whether you're a seasoned foodie or a beginner in the kitchen, Rogan Josh is a must-try for anyone who loves spicy food. So, don your apron, gather the ingredients, and get ready to embark on a culinary adventure with Rogan Josh!

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