

Sure, I'd be happy to help you learn about Portuguese cuisine!

Portuguese food is a highlight of the country's rich cultural heritage. With a long coastline, Portugal has a strong fishing tradition, and seafood is a staple in many Portuguese dishes. Some popular seafood dishes include grilled sardines, octopus stew, and clams in garlic and white wine sauce.

In addition to seafood, Portuguese cuisine features a wide variety of meats, from tender pork to flavorful sausages. The national dish of Portugal is called "cozido à portuguesa," a hearty stew made with beef, pork, vegetables, and beans.

One of the most famous Portuguese dishes is the pastel de nata, a delicious custard tart that originated in Lisbon. These little tarts are made with a crispy, flaky crust and a creamy, sweet filling. They're often enjoyed as a dessert or a snack, accompanied by a cup of strong, black coffee.

Another iconic Portuguese dish is the bifana, a simple but satisfying sandwich made with thinly sliced pork, garlic, and spices, served on a soft roll. It's a popular street food and can be found at many cafes and restaurants throughout Portugal.

Overall, Portuguese cuisine is a reflection of the country's history, culture, and geography. It's a diverse and delicious cuisine that's worth exploring!

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