Pizza Marinara

Pizza Marinara

Pizza Marinara


  • Naples, Italy
  • Description:

  • A simple and classic pizza made with a thin, crispy crust
  • Topped with tomato sauce, garlic, oregano, and basil
  • No cheese or meat
  • Common Sense:

  • Versatile
    Can be enjoyed as a main course or appetizer
  • Healthy
    Low in calories and fat, high in vitamins and minerals
  • Affordable
    Relatively inexpensive to make
  • Easy to make
    Can be made at home with basic ingredients
  • Customizable
    Can be topped with additional ingredients, such as olives, anchovies, or capers
  • Perfect for sharing
    Can be cut into slices and enjoyed by multiple people
  • Suitable for vegetarians and vegans
    Does not contain any animal products
  • Pairs well with
    Salads, soups, or a glass of wine
  • Best served
    Hot and fresh, straight out of the oven
  • Storage
    Can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 days or frozen for up to 3 months
  • Additional Notes:

  • The name "Marinara" refers to the use of seafood in the original recipe, but the modern version typically does not include seafood.
  • Pizza Marinara is a popular choice for those who prefer a lighter and healthier pizza option.
  • It is often served as a starter or appetizer in Italian restaurants.
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