Pissaladi Re

Pissaladi Re

Pissaladière: A Savory Provençal Tart

Pissaladière is a traditional Provençal tart that originated in the city of Nice, France. It is a savory dish made with a yeast-based dough topped with caramelized onions, anchovies, and black olives.

History and Origin

The name "pissaladière" is derived from the Provençal word "pissalat," which refers to a fermented fish paste made from anchovies. Pissaladière is believed to have originated in the Middle Ages, when fishermen would use the leftover anchovies from their catch to make a savory tart.

Ingredients and Preparation

The dough for pissaladière is typically made with flour, water, yeast, salt, and olive oil. It is rolled out into a thin crust and topped with a layer of caramelized onions. The onions are cooked slowly over low heat until they become golden brown and sweet.

Once the onions are caramelized, they are topped with anchovies and black olives. The anchovies are typically salted and filleted, while the olives are pitted and sliced.

Baking and Serving

Pissaladière is baked in a hot oven until the crust is golden brown and the toppings are heated through. It is typically served warm or at room temperature, cut into squares or slices.


There are many variations of pissaladière, depending on the region and the preferences of the cook. Some common variations include:

  • Adding other toppings, such as capers, tomatoes, or bell peppers
  • Using a different type of dough, such as puff pastry or shortcrust pastry
  • Substituting the anchovies with another type of fish, such as sardines or tuna
  • Cultural Significance

    Pissaladière is a beloved dish in Provence and is often served at special occasions and gatherings. It is a symbol of the region's culinary heritage and is enjoyed by locals and tourists alike.

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