

Panettone is a type of sweet bread that originates from Italy, specifically the city of Milan. It is typically enjoyed during the Christmas and New Year holiday season, but can also be found throughout the year in some places.

Panettone is made with flour, eggs, sugar, yeast, and butter, and is often filled with raisins, candied fruit, and/or chocolate chips. The dough is allowed to rise for a long time, which gives the bread its characteristic light and fluffy texture.

Panettone is usually served in slices, and can be enjoyed on its own or topped with butter, whipped cream, or other sweet condiments. It can also be used as the base for French toast or bread pudding.

If you have the opportunity to try panettone, I would highly recommend it! It's a delicious and festive treat that is sure to bring joy to your holiday celebrations.

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