Panang Curry

Panang Curry

Sure thing! I'd be happy to help you learn about Panang Curry.

Panang Curry, also known as Phanaeng Curry, is a type of Thai curry that is known for its rich and creamy texture and its slightly sweet and nutty flavor. It is made with a paste that is typically made from a combination of dried and fresh chilies, lemongrass, galangal, shallots, garlic, and spices such as coriander, cumin, and cardamom.

The paste is then fried in coconut milk until it becomes fragrant and the oil begins to separate from the solids. This forms the base for the curry. Meat, such as chicken, beef, or pork, is then added to the pot and simmered until it is cooked through. Fish or shrimp can also be used.

One of the key ingredients that gives Panang Curry its unique flavor is peanuts or peanut butter, which is added to the curry along with coconut milk, palm sugar, and fish sauce. The curry is then simmered until it has thickened and the flavors have had a chance to meld together.

Panang Curry is typically served with steamed jasmine rice and garnished with fresh herbs such as Thai basil or cilantro. It is a popular dish in Thai restaurants and is known for its complex and delicious flavor.

I hope this helps you learn a little more about Panang Curry! Let me know if you have any other questions.

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Newark CA

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