

Okonomiyaki is a popular Japanese savory pancake that originated in Osaka. The dish is made from a batter that includes flour, water, and eggs, and is typically filled with various ingredients such as cabbage, pork belly, shrimp, green onion, and vegetables. The name "okonomiyaki" roughly translates to "grilled as you like it," and the dish is often customized to suit individual tastes.

The batter for okonomiyaki is made by combining flour, water, and eggs in a bowl, and whisking until smooth. The cabbage and other fillings are then added to the batter, and the mixture is poured onto a hot griddle or pan. The pancake is then cooked for several minutes on both sides until it is golden brown and crispy.

Okonomiyaki is often served with a variety of toppings, such as mayonnaise, barbecue sauce, and bonito flakes. It can also be served with a side of miso soup or other small dishes.

Okonomiyaki has gained popularity in recent years, with restaurants and street food stalls serving the dish popping up all over Japan and other parts of the world. It is considered a comfort food in Japan and is enjoyed by people of all ages.

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