Longjing Tea

Longjing Tea

Longjing Tea


Longjing Tea, also known as Dragon Well Tea, is a renowned Chinese green tea originating from the West Lake region of Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province. It is one of the most famous and highly prized teas in China, known for its delicate flavor, vibrant green color, and distinctive flat shape.

Cultivation and Processing:

Longjing Tea is grown in the unique microclimate of the West Lake region, which provides ideal conditions for tea cultivation. The tea plants are carefully tended and pruned to produce high-quality leaves.

The processing of Longjing Tea involves several steps:

  • Picking
    The tea leaves are hand-picked during the early spring, typically in March or April. Only the youngest and most tender leaves are selected.
  • Withering
    The leaves are spread out in the shade to wither and lose some of their moisture.
  • Pan-frying
    The leaves are heated in a wok or pan over low heat to stop oxidation and develop their characteristic shape.
  • Rolling
    The leaves are rolled by hand or machine to give them their flat, needle-like appearance.
  • Drying
    The rolled leaves are dried in a warm, dry environment to remove any remaining moisture.
  • Characteristics:

  • Appearance
    Longjing Tea has a distinctive flat, needle-like shape and a vibrant green color.
  • Aroma
    The aroma is fresh, vegetal, and slightly nutty.
  • Flavor
    The flavor is delicate, sweet, and slightly astringent, with notes of chestnut and orchid.
  • Texture
    The leaves are tender and smooth, producing a clear and refreshing liquor.
  • Health Benefits:

    Longjing Tea is known for its potential health benefits, including:

  • Antioxidant properties
    It contains high levels of antioxidants, which can help protect against cell damage and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.
  • Improved brain function
    Theanine, an amino acid found in Longjing Tea, has been shown to promote relaxation and improve cognitive function.
  • Weight loss
    Longjing Tea may help boost metabolism and promote weight loss.
  • Reduced inflammation
    The antioxidants in Longjing Tea have anti-inflammatory properties that may help reduce inflammation throughout the body.
  • Brewing:

    To brew Longjing Tea, use freshly drawn water that has been cooled to around 80-85°C (176-185°F). Place a small amount of tea leaves (about 2-3 grams per cup) in a teapot or gaiwan. Pour the hot water over the leaves and let steep for 2-3 minutes. The tea can be steeped multiple times, with each subsequent infusion producing a slightly different flavor profile.


    Longjing Tea is a highly prized Chinese green tea known for its delicate flavor, vibrant green color, and distinctive flat shape. It is cultivated in the unique microclimate of the West Lake region and processed using traditional methods. Longjing Tea offers potential health benefits and is a refreshing and enjoyable beverage that can be enjoyed by tea enthusiasts worldwide.

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