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Lassi is a popular Indian drink that originated in the Indian subcontinent. It is a yogurt-based drink that is made by blending yogurt with water, salt, and spices. Lassi is often served as a refreshing drink during meals or as a thirst quencher during hot summer days.

There are different types of Lassi, including:

1. Sweet Lassi: This is the most common type of Lassi, made with yogurt, water, sugar, and spices like cardamom and cinnamon.

2. Salted Lassi: This type of Lassi is made with yogurt, water, salt, and spices like cumin and coriander. It is often served with meals or as a side drink.

3. Buttermilk Lassi: This type of Lassi is made with the thick and creamy residue left behind after churning butter from yogurt. It is often flavored with spices like cumin and coriander.

4. Mango Lassi: This is a sweet variation of Lassi made with yogurt, mango puree, sugar, and spices. It is a popular summer drink in India.

5. Masala Lassi: This type of Lassi is made with yogurt, water, spices like cumin, coriander, and cinnamon, and sometimes fruit juice or pulp. It is a refreshing and healthy drink.

Lassi is a nutritious drink that is high in protein, calcium, and probiotics due to the presence of yogurt. It is also low in calories and sugar compared to other sweet drinks.

To make Lassi, you can start by blending 1 cup of yogurt with 1/2 cup of water in a blender. Add a pinch of salt and a spoonful of sugar or honey, depending on your preference. You can also add spices like cumin, coriander, cardamom, cinnamon or nutmeg for flavor. Adjust the amount of water to achieve the desired consistency for your Lassi. You can serve it chilled or at room temperature.

I hope this information has been helpful in learning about Lassi! Do you have any questions or would you like any variations or recommendations?

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