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Koulouri is a traditional Greek street food that is popular in Athens and other cities in Greece. It is a type of sesame seed bread ring that is often topped with a variety of ingredients such as cheese, ham, and vegetables. The dough is typically hand-shaped and baked to a golden brown perfection.

The history of Koulouri can be traced back to the Byzantine Empire, where it was known as "koulourakia" and was enjoyed by the nobility and aristocracy. Over time, the recipe was passed down through generations and evolved into the Koulouri we know today.

Koulouri is often enjoyed as a snack or light meal, and it's a popular choice among locals and tourists alike. It's a great option for breakfast, lunch, or as a side dish to accompany souvlaki or other Greek dishes.

Some popular toppings for Koulouri include:

  • Cheese
    Feta cheese is a classic topping for Koulouri, adding a tangy and creamy element to the bread.
  • Ham
    Thinly sliced ham is a common topping, adding a salty and savory flavor to the dish.
  • Vegetables
    Tomatoes, onions, cucumbers, and bell peppers are popular toppings, adding a fresh and crunchy texture to the dish.
  • Tzatziki sauce
    A dollop of tzatziki sauce, made from yogurt, cucumber, and garlic, adds a cool and refreshing touch to the dish.
  • Koulouri is best enjoyed fresh out of the oven, and it's a must-try when visiting Greece. So, if you're planning a trip to Greece, be sure to look for street vendors or bakeries that sell Koulouri, and enjoy a delicious and satisfying snack!

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