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Kapsalon is a popular Dutch dish that originated in the city of Rotterdam. It is a composed salad made with a combination of ingredients such as fries, döner kebab meat, lettuce, tomato, cucumber, and a variety of sauces.

The dish typically starts with a layer of fries or other starchy foods like rice or noodles, topped with döner kebab meat, which is thinly sliced and seasoned with spices and herbs. The meat is usually lamb or beef, but chicken or turkey can also be used.

Next, a variety of vegetables are added, such as lettuce, tomato, cucumber, and sometimes bell peppers or onions. These are typically sliced or chopped into bite-sized pieces to make them easy to eat.

Finally, a sauce or dressing is added to the salad. There are many different options, but some common ones include mayonnaise, yogurt sauce, or a spicy peanut sauce. The sauce helps to bind all the ingredients together and adds flavor to the dish.

Kapsalon is often served in a cardboard box or container, with the ingredients layered on top of each other. It is typically eaten with a fork or fingers, depending on personal preference. Some variations of the dish also include additional toppings, such as cheese, egg, or pickles.

Overall, Kapsalon is a delicious and satisfying meal that combines the flavors and textures of several different cuisines. It is a popular choice for lunch or dinner in the Netherlands, and has also gained popularity in other countries around the world.

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