

Kalbi, also known as galbi, is a type of Korean barbecue dish. The main ingredient of Kalbi is beef short ribs. The short ribs are usually cut crosswise, creating thin, long strips that are marinated in a mixture of soy sauce, sugar, garlic, sesame oil, and other ingredients, such as ginger, green onions, and pear or apple for sweetness. The marinated short ribs are then typically grilled over open flame, but they can also be cooked on a stovetop or in the oven.

The key to a delicious Kalbi is the marinade, which should be flavorful and well-balanced. The sugar in the marinade caramelizes during grilling, creating a slightly sweet and savory crust on the outside of the meat. The beef should be cooked to medium rare or medium, as overcooking can make it tough and dry.

Kalbi is traditionally served with a side of steamed rice, lettuce or perilla leaves for wrapping, and a variety of banchan (side dishes) such as kimchi, pickled vegetables, and bean sprouts.

Kalbi is a popular dish in Korean restaurants and can also be easily prepared at home. It's a delicious and impressive dish to serve for gatherings and special occasions.

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These restaurants serving this dish

Big Aloha's Ali'i Cove

Universal City TX

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