Kakig Ri

Kakig Ri

Kakigōri (かき氷) is a Japanese shaved ice dessert. It is made by shaving a block of ice into a fine, fluffy texture and then topping it with a variety of sweet syrups, condensed milk, and other toppings. Kakigōri is a popular summer treat in Japan, and it can be found at festivals, street vendors, and convenience stores.


The origins of kakigōri are unclear, but it is thought to have originated in Japan during the Heian period (794-1185). The first written record of kakigōri dates back to the 11th century, and it was described as a dessert made from shaved ice and sweet syrup. Kakigōri became increasingly popular during the Edo period (1603-1868), and it was often served at festivals and other special occasions.


The main ingredient in kakigōri is ice. The ice is shaved into a fine, fluffy texture using a special machine called a kakigōri-ki. The shaved ice is then topped with a variety of sweet syrups, condensed milk, and other toppings.

Popular Toppings

The most popular toppings for kakigōri include:

  • Strawberry syrup
  • Lemon syrup
  • Blue raspberry syrup
  • Green tea syrup
  • Condensed milk
  • Azuki beans
  • Mochi
  • Fruit
  • Variations

    There are many different variations of kakigōri. Some popular variations include:

  • Anmitsu
    Kakigōri topped with azuki beans, mochi, and condensed milk.
  • Shiruko
    Kakigōri topped with sweet red bean soup.
  • Ujikintoki
    Kakigōri topped with green tea syrup and mochi.
  • Rainbow kakigōri
    Kakigōri topped with a variety of different colored syrups.
  • How to Make Kakigōri

    To make kakigōri, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 1 block of ice
  • 1 kakigōri-ki (shaved ice machine)
  • Your choice of toppings
  • Instructions:

    1. Place the block of ice in the kakigōri-ki.

    2. Turn on the kakigōri-ki and shave the ice into a fine, fluffy texture.

    3. Place the shaved ice in a bowl or cup.

    4. Top the shaved ice with your choice of toppings.

    5. Enjoy!


  • For the best results, use a high-quality block of ice.
  • If you don't have a kakigōri-ki, you can use a blender to shave the ice.
  • Be careful not to over-shave the ice. The shaved ice should be fine and fluffy, but not too powdery.
  • Experiment with different toppings to create your own unique kakigōri.
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