

Indomie is a brand of instant noodles produced by Indofood, a Indonesian based food company. The name "Indomie" is derived from the words "Indonesia" and "MIE" which means noodles in Indonesian language. Indomie instant noodles are very popular in many countries including Indonesia, Nigeria, Ghana, and other Asian and African countries.

Indomie comes in various flavors such as Chicken, beef, onion chives, and shrimp. The noodles are usually packed in a cup or a plastic bag along with a seasoning sachet. To prepare Indomie, you only need to boil water, add the noodles and seasoning, then stir until the noodles are cooked.

Indomie is not only famous for its great taste but also for its affordability and convenience. It is a popular food for people of all ages, from children to adults, and is often consumed as a quick meal or a snack.

In addition to instant noodles, Indomie also produces other food products such as snacks, beverages, and batter mixes.

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