

I suspect you're referring to "isote" instead of "ilote." Isote is a type of leafy green vegetable that is commonly consumed in Mexico, particularly in the states of Mexico, Tlaxcala, and Puebla. It is also known as "quintonil" in some regions.

Isote is a small, dark green leaf that comes from a type of amaranth plant. It has a slightly tart, lemony flavor and a crisp texture. It is often used in soups, stews, and salads, and is a popular ingredient in Mexican cuisine.

Isote is rich in nutrients, including vitamins A, C, and K, as well as iron, calcium, and potassium. It is also high in fiber and antioxidants.

To prepare isote, you can rinse the leaves thoroughly and remove any tough stems. You can then add it to soups or stews in the last few minutes of cooking, or use it raw in salads. It can also be sautéed with garlic and chili peppers for a simple side dish.

I hope this information helps you learn more about isote and how to use it in your cooking!

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