Ika Mata

Ika Mata

Ika Mata is a traditional dish from the Peruvian Amazon region. The dish is made from raw fish marinated in a mixture of citrus juice, aji amarillo peppers, garlic, and herbs, and then served with camu camu, a type of fruit that is native to the Amazon.

Ika Mata is a popular dish in Peru, especially in the Amazon region, and it's considered a specialty of the indigenous community. The dish has gained popularity in recent years, and it's now served in many restaurants in the capital city of Lima and other parts of the country.

The preparation of Ika Mata is quite unique and requires a specific technique. The raw fish is marinated in a mixture of citrus juice, aji amarillo peppers, garlic, and herbs for several hours or overnight. The citrus juice used in the marinade is usually limo or lime, and it's responsible for the dish's characteristic acidic flavor.

After the marination process, the fish is served with camu camu, which is a type of fruit that is native to the Amazon. The fruit has a sour taste and a firm texture, similar to a persimmon. The fruit is usually served sliced into thin pieces, and it's often mixed with chopped onions, cilantro, and chili peppers.

Ika Mata is a refreshing and flavorful dish that showcases the unique ingredients and techniques of Peruvian cuisine. The dish is not only delicious but also rich in nutrients, thanks to the high protein content of the raw fish and the vitamin C-rich camu camu.

If you want to try Ika Mata, you can find it in many Peruvian restaurants, especially in Lima. The dish is usually served as a ceviche, and it's typically accompanied by other traditional Peruvian dishes like grilled corn, sweet potatoes, and plantains.

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