

Iberian refers to a type of pork that comes from the Iberian Peninsula, which includes Spain and Portugal. The pigs that produce Iberian pork are a specific breed known as "Pata Negra" or "Black Foot," which are known for their ability to roam freely and forage for food in the pastures and oak forests of the region.

Iberian pork is highly prized for its rich, nutty flavor and marbling, which is a result of the pigs' diet of acorns and other vegetation. The meat is typically darker in color than other types of pork and has a higher fat content, which gives it a buttery texture when cooked.

There are a few different products that are made from Iberian pork, including:

  • Jamón Ibérico
    This is a type of cured ham that is made from the hind legs of the pig. It is aged for a minimum of 24 months, resulting in a rich, intense flavor.
  • Lomo Ibérico
    This is a type of cured pork loin that is aged for several months. It has a firm texture and a rich, slightly sweet flavor.
  • Chorizo Ibérico
    This is a type of cured sausage made from ground Iberian pork, paprika, and garlic. It has a firm texture and a spicy, smoky flavor.
  • Iberian pork is considered a delicacy and is typically more expensive than other types of pork. It is often served in thin slices as an appetizer, or used in high-end dishes at restaurants. If you ever get the chance to try it, it's definitely worth the splurge.

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