Hand Roll Shrimp Tempura Hand Roll

Hand Roll Shrimp Tempura Hand Roll

Hand Roll Shrimp Tempura Hand Roll: A Culinary Delight

In the realm of Japanese cuisine, hand rolls, known as temaki, stand out as a delectable and portable treat. Among the most popular varieties is the Shrimp Tempura Hand Roll, a symphony of flavors and textures that tantalizes the taste buds.


  • Nori (seaweed) sheet
  • Sushi rice
  • Shrimp tempura
  • Cucumber, thinly sliced
  • Avocado, thinly sliced
  • Masago (capelin roe)
  • Japanese mayonnaise
  • Soy sauce (optional)
  • Preparation:

    1. Prepare the sushi rice: Cook the sushi rice according to package instructions. Season with rice vinegar, sugar, and salt.

    2. Fry the shrimp: Dip the shrimp in tempura batter and fry until golden brown and crispy.

    3. Assemble the hand roll: Place the nori sheet on a bamboo rolling mat. Spread a thin layer of sushi rice over the bottom third of the sheet.

    4. Add the fillings: Arrange the cucumber, avocado, masago, and shrimp tempura on top of the rice.

    5. Roll the hand roll: Starting from the bottom, roll the nori sheet tightly around the fillings. Use a little water to seal the edges.

    6. Cut and serve: Slice the hand roll into bite-sized pieces and serve with Japanese mayonnaise and soy sauce, if desired.

    Taste and Texture:

    The Shrimp Tempura Hand Roll is a harmonious blend of flavors and textures. The crispy tempura shrimp provides a satisfying crunch, while the cucumber and avocado add freshness and creaminess. The masago adds a subtle burst of salty umami, and the Japanese mayonnaise adds a touch of richness. The nori sheet provides a slightly chewy and savory base.

    Nutritional Value:

    Shrimp Tempura Hand Rolls are a relatively balanced snack or light meal. They provide a good source of protein from the shrimp and carbohydrates from the rice. The cucumber and avocado contribute vitamins, minerals, and fiber. However, the tempura batter and Japanese mayonnaise add some fat and calories.


  • Spicy Shrimp Tempura Hand Roll
    Add a dollop of sriracha or chili sauce to the fillings for a spicy kick.
  • Vegetable Shrimp Tempura Hand Roll
    Omit the cucumber and avocado and add additional vegetables, such as carrots, bell peppers, or asparagus.
  • Creamy Shrimp Tempura Hand Roll
    Replace the Japanese mayonnaise with cream cheese for a richer and creamier flavor.
  • Conclusion:

    The Shrimp Tempura Hand Roll is a culinary delight that combines the best of Japanese flavors and textures. It is a versatile snack or meal that can be enjoyed on the go or as part of a larger meal. Whether you are a seasoned sushi enthusiast or a newcomer to Japanese cuisine, this hand roll is sure to impress your taste buds.

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