Hand Roll Eel Hand Roll

Hand Roll Eel Hand Roll

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Hand roll eel, also known as temaki, is a type of sushi that is commonly served in Japanese restaurants. The dish consists of a thin nori (seaweed) wrapper that is formed into a cone shape and filled with vinegared rice, vegetables, and a variety of ingredients.

Hand roll eel specifically features grilled eel (unagi) as the main ingredient. The eel is first cooked and seasoned with a sweet soy-based sauce, then sliced into thin strips and placed inside the nori wrapper along with the rice and vegetables.

To eat hand roll eel, you typically pick it up by the tail end of the nori cone and dip it into soy sauce before taking a bite. The combination of the savory eel, sweet sauce, and refreshing vegetables make for a delicious and satisfying sushi experience.

Hand roll eel is a popular choice for sushi lovers who enjoy a more casual and interactive dining experience, as each hand roll is made to order and can be customized with a variety of fillings.

Overall, hand roll eel is a delicious and authentic Japanese dish that is definitely worth trying. Its unique combination of flavors and textures make it a standout among other sushi options.

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