Golda Chingri

Golda Chingri

Golda Chingri: A Culinary Delight from the Heart of Bengal

Indulge in the tantalizing flavors of Golda Chingri, a delectable dish that has captivated the taste buds of Bengalis for generations. This culinary masterpiece is a symphony of succulent prawns, aromatic spices, and a rich, creamy sauce that will leave you craving for more.

Origins and Significance:

Golda Chingri originated in the coastal regions of West Bengal, where fresh prawns are abundant. The dish is believed to have been created by the Portuguese during their colonial rule in the 16th century. The name "Golda" refers to the golden-brown color of the prawns after they are fried.

Ingredients and Preparation:

Golda Chingri is made with large, juicy prawns that are marinated in a blend of spices, including turmeric, cumin, coriander, and red chili powder. The prawns are then coated in a batter made from rice flour and semolina and deep-fried until golden brown.

The sauce is prepared separately by sautéing onions, garlic, and ginger in mustard oil. Tomatoes, green chilies, and a blend of spices are added to create a flavorful base. The fried prawns are then added to the sauce and simmered until the sauce thickens and coats the prawns.

Flavor Profile:

Golda Chingri is a harmonious blend of flavors that tantalizes the senses. The crispy prawns provide a satisfying crunch, while the creamy sauce offers a rich and velvety texture. The spices add a warmth and depth of flavor, while the tangy tomatoes and green chilies provide a refreshing balance.

Serving Suggestions:

Golda Chingri is typically served with steamed rice or roti. It can also be enjoyed as an appetizer or as part of a larger meal. The dish pairs well with a side of raita or chutney to enhance the flavors.


Golda Chingri is a culinary treasure that embodies the vibrant flavors of Bengal. Its succulent prawns, aromatic spices, and creamy sauce create a dish that is both satisfying and unforgettable. Whether you are a seasoned foodie or a curious explorer, Golda Chingri is a must-try delicacy that will leave you craving for more.

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