Duck Confit

Duck Confit

Duck confit is a classic French dish that originates from the Gascony region in southwestern France. The name "confit" comes from the French verb confire, which means "to preserve." Traditionally, duck confit was a way to preserve duck legs (and sometimes wings) for long periods of time.

To make duck confit, duck legs are first cured with a mixture of salt, herbs, and spices, often including garlic, thyme, and bay leaves. This curing process helps to draw out moisture from the meat, concentrating its flavor and creating a barrier against bacteria.

After curing, the duck legs are rinsed to remove the excess salt and then slowly cooked in their own fat, typically at a low temperature of around 200°F to 250°F (93°C to 121°C) for several hours, until the meat is tender and falls off the bone. The low, slow cooking process helps to render out the fat and infuse it with the flavors of the duck and the aromatics used in the curing process.

Once the duck legs are cooked, they are allowed to cool in the fat, which forms a protective layer that seals in moisture and flavors, allowing the duck to be stored for extended periods. Duck confit can be stored in the refrigerator for up to several months or frozen for up to a year.

To serve duck confit, the legs are typically crisped up in a hot oven or a pan to re-render the fat and create a crispy skin. They can be served on their own, with a simple salad or vegetables, or used as an ingredient in other dishes, such as cassoulet.

Duck confit is a rich and flavorful dish that is prized for its tender, succulent meat and crispy skin. It requires some time and effort to make, but the results are well worth it. If you're interested in trying duck confit, you can find it at many gourmet food stores or specialty meat markets, or you can try making it yourself with a recipe from a trusted source.

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These restaurants serving this dish

My Thai Cafe

Bloomington IN

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