David Eyre S Pancake

David Eyre S Pancake

I believe you are referring to a dish called "David Eyer's Pancake," also known as a Dutch baby or German pancake. It's a type of baked pancake that is usually served for breakfast or brunch. Here's a simple recipe for you to try:


- 1/2 cup all-purpose flour

- 1/2 cup milk

- 2 large eggs

- 1/2 tsp salt

- 1 tbsp unsalted butter

- 1 tbsp vegetable oil or melted butter (for greasing the pan)

- Confectioners' sugar, lemon juice, and/or maple syrup, for serving (optional)


1. Preheat your oven to 425°F (220°C).

2. Put the butter in a 9-10 inch (22-25 cm) oven-safe skillet or baking dish. Place the skillet or dish in the oven while preheating to melt the butter.

3. Blend together the flour, milk, eggs, and salt using a blender, hand mixer or whisk until smooth.

4. Carefully remove the hot skillet from the oven, making sure not to burn yourself on the hot handle.

5. Pour the batter into the hot skillet, then place the skillet back into the oven and bake for about 15-20 minutes, or until the pancake has puffed up and turned golden brown.

6. Once done, remove the skillet from the oven. You can sprinkle some confectioners' sugar, squeeze some lemon juice, or serve with maple syrup, if desired. Slice it up and enjoy!

By following these steps, you'll be able to make a delicious David Eyer's Pancake! Don't worry if it doesn't turn out perfect the first time. Practice makes perfect!

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