Croque Monsieur

Croque Monsieur

Croque Monsieur


  • A classic French sandwich consisting of two slices of bread filled with ham and cheese, topped with béchamel sauce and grated cheese, and then grilled or baked.
  • Common Sense Knowledge:

  • Origin
    Croque Monsieur originated in France in the early 20th century.
  • Name
    "Croque Monsieur" translates to "Mr. Crunch" in French, referring to the crispy exterior of the sandwich.
  • Variations
    There are many variations of Croque Monsieur, including Croque Madame (topped with a fried egg) and Croque Provençal (made with tomatoes and onions).
  • Ingredients
  • * Bread: Typically white bread or brioche

    * Ham: Thinly sliced ham

    * Cheese: Gruyère or Emmental cheese

    * Béchamel sauce: A white sauce made with butter, flour, and milk

    * Grated cheese: Parmesan or Gruyère cheese

  • Preparation
  • * Assemble the sandwich with ham and cheese between the bread slices.

    * Spread béchamel sauce over the top slice of bread.

    * Sprinkle with grated cheese.

    * Grill or bake until the cheese is melted and bubbly.

  • Serving
    Croque Monsieur is typically served hot as a main course or snack.
  • Accompaniments
    Common accompaniments include salad, fries, or soup.
  • Nutritional Value
    Croque Monsieur is a high-calorie dish due to its bread, cheese, and béchamel sauce. It provides carbohydrates, protein, and fat.
  • Cultural Significance
    Croque Monsieur is a popular dish in France and is often associated with Parisian bistros.
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