Croque Madame

Croque Madame

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Croque Madame is a French-inspired sandwich that is essentially a ham and cheese sandwich with a fried egg on top. The "Madame" part of the name refers to the addition of the fried egg. The sandwich typically consists of thinly sliced ham, Gruyère cheese, and béchamel sauce (a white sauce made with butter, flour, and milk) on toasted bread. The fried egg is often placed on top of the sandwich and can be either sunny-side up or covered in cheese.

Here's a simple recipe to make a delicious Croque Monsieur:


  • 4 slices of bread
  • 1/2 cup of gruyère cheese, grated
  • 1/2 cup of ham, thinly sliced
  • 1/4 cup of béchamel sauce
  • 2 eggs
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Butter for frying
  • Instructions:

    1. Preheat a skillet or griddle over medium heat.

    2. Butter two slices of bread on the side that will face outwards when the sandwich is assembled.

    3. Place one slice of bread, buttered side down, in the skillet.

    4. Top with a slice of ham, a sprinkle of grated cheese, and a spoonful of béchamel sauce.

    5. Top with the second slice of bread, buttered side up.

    6. Cook for about 2-3 minutes or until the bread is golden brown and the cheese is melted.

    7. Flip the sandwich over and cook for another 2-3 minutes, until the other side is also golden brown.

    8. While the sandwich is cooking, fry the eggs in a separate pan.

    9. Once the sandwich is cooked, place it on a plate and top with a fried egg.

    10. Serve immediately and enjoy!

    I hope you enjoy this recipe! Let me know if you have any questions or if you'd like any variations on the recipe.

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