Cranberry Sauce

Cranberry Sauce

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Cranberry sauce is a condiment or side dish that is typically served during holiday meals, particularly Thanksgiving dinner in the United States. It is made by cooking cranberries with sugar and water or another liquid, such as orange juice, until the berries have broken down and formed a sauce.

Cranberries are a type of fruit that are native to North America. They are tart and tangy, and are often used in baking and cooking to add flavor and color. When cranberries are cooked with sugar, they release pectin, a natural thickening agent, which helps to give cranberry sauce its characteristic thick and slightly jelly-like texture.

Cranberry sauce can be made with fresh or frozen cranberries, and it can be flavored with a variety of ingredients, such as orange or lemon zest, cinnamon, or ginger. Some people prefer to make their own cranberry sauce at home, while others use store-bought canned cranberry sauce.

Cranberry sauce is often served as a condiment for turkey or other poultry, and it can also be used as a spread for sandwiches or as a topping for toast or crackers. it can also be used in baking to make cranberry muffins, breads, and cakes.

Overall, cranberry sauce is a tasty and versatile condiment that can add a burst of flavor and color to many different dishes.

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