Cr Pes Suzette

Cr Pes Suzette

I'm happy to help you learn about Crêpes Suzette!

Crêpes Suzette is a classic French dessert that consists of thin, delicate pancakes called crêpes, served with a rich, buttery, and slightly tangy orange sauce. The dish is believed to have been invented by a young assistant waiter named Henri Charpentier in the late 19th century, while he was working at the Café de Paris in Monte Carlo.

According to the story, Charpentier was preparing a dessert for the Prince of Wales (who would later become King Edward VII) when he accidentally set the brandy used in the sauce on fire. Rather than starting over, he decided to serve the dish as it was, and named it Crêpes Princesse. However, the name was later changed to Crêpes Suzette in honor of a young woman named Suzanne Reichenberg, who also went by the stage name Suzette.

To make Crêpes Suzette, you'll first need to prepare the crêpes. This involves mixing together a batter made of flour, eggs, milk, and sugar, and then cooking it in a non-stick skillet until the edges are lightly browned. The crêpes are then set aside and kept warm while you make the sauce.

The sauce for Crêpes Suzette is made by combining orange juice, zest, sugar, and butter in a saucepan and simmering it until the sugar dissolves and the mixture thickens slightly. Brandy or Grand Marnier is then added to the pan, and the mixture is heated until it ignites. The flaming brandy is then carefully poured over the crêpes before serving.

When serving Crêpes Suzette, the crêpes are typically folded into triangles or rolled up, and placed on a plate. The sauce is then spooned over the top, along with any remaining brandy that didn't ignite. The dish is often garnished with a few slices of orange and a sprig of fresh mint.

Crêpes Suzette is a delicious and impressive dessert that is perfect for special occasions. While it may seem a little intimidating to make at first, with some practice, you can easily master this classic French dish.

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