



Cornetto is a type of Italian pastry that is typically crescent-shaped and filled with various sweet or savory ingredients. It is a popular breakfast food in Italy and is often enjoyed with coffee or cappuccino.


The origins of the cornetto can be traced back to the 17th century in Austria, where it was known as a "kipferi." It was brought to Italy by Austrian bakers in the 19th century and quickly became a staple of Italian cuisine.


  • Shape
    Crescent-shaped with a pointed tip
  • Texture
    Flaky and buttery
  • Filling
    Can be filled with a variety of ingredients, including:
  • * Sweet: Chocolate, custard, fruit jam, Nutella

    * Savory: Ham, cheese, vegetables

  • Size
    Typically small to medium-sized, about 4-6 inches in length
  • Variations:

    There are many regional variations of the cornetto in Italy, each with its own unique characteristics. Some popular variations include:

  • Cornetto alla crema
    Filled with custard
  • Cornetto al cioccolato
    Filled with chocolate
  • Cornetto alla marmellata
    Filled with fruit jam
  • Cornetto salato
    Filled with savory ingredients, such as ham and cheese
  • Cornetto integrale
    Made with whole-wheat flour
  • Serving:

    Cornettos are typically served warm for breakfast or as a snack. They can be enjoyed on their own or with a variety of accompaniments, such as coffee, tea, or fruit juice.

    Nutritional Value:

    The nutritional value of a cornetto varies depending on the filling. A typical cornetto with a sweet filling contains approximately:

  • Calories
  • Fat
    10-15 grams
  • Carbohydrates
    30-40 grams
  • Protein
    5-10 grams
  • Cultural Significance:

    Cornettos are an important part of Italian culture and are often associated with breakfast and the morning routine. They are also a popular street food and can be found in bakeries and cafes throughout Italy.

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