Choy Sum

Choy Sum

Choy Sum: The Leafy Green with a Twist of Sass

Choy sum, the sassy sibling of the cabbage family, is a leafy green vegetable that's not afraid to make a statement. With its vibrant green leaves and crisp, slightly bitter taste, it's like the cool kid at the veggie party.


Choy sum looks like a cross between spinach and broccoli. It has long, slender stems topped with clusters of dark green leaves. The leaves are slightly crinkled, as if they've been through a few rounds of laughter.


Choy sum is a bit of a diva. It doesn't like to be overcooked, or it'll turn into a mushy mess. But when it's cooked just right, it's a culinary rockstar.


Choy sum has a slightly bitter flavor, but it's balanced by a hint of sweetness. It's like a veggie that's both serious and playful.

Health Benefits:

Don't let its sassy exterior fool you. Choy sum is packed with nutrients. It's a good source of vitamins A, C, and K, as well as calcium, iron, and fiber. It's like a veggie superhero in disguise.

Culinary Uses:

Choy sum is a versatile veggie that can be used in a variety of dishes. It's great stir-fried, steamed, or added to soups and salads. It's also a popular ingredient in Chinese dim sum.

Fun Fact:

Choy sum is also known as "Chinese flowering cabbage." But don't be fooled by the name. It doesn't actually flower. It's just a veggie with a flair for the dramatic.


Choy sum is a leafy green with a sense of humor. It's sassy, nutritious, and delicious. So next time you're looking for a veggie that's both fun and healthy, reach for choy sum. It's the veggie that's not afraid to make you laugh and nourish your body at the same time.

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