Chicago Style Hot Dog

Chicago Style Hot Dog

Of course, I'd be happy to help you learn about Chicago-style hot dogs!

A Chicago-style hot dog is a type of hot dog that originated in the city of Chicago, Illinois. It is a distinctive and flavorful dish that has become a beloved icon of Chicago cuisine.

Here are some key features of a Chicago-style hot dog:

  • The hot dog itself is a steamed or grilled all-beef frankfurter, usually made by Vienna Beef or Red Hot Chicago.
  • The hot dog is placed in a poppy seed bun and topped with a variety of condiments.
  • The toppings typically include yellow mustard, bright green relish (made from pickled cucumbers), fresh chopped onions, sliced red ripe tomatoes, a kosher-style dill pickle spear, and sport peppers (small, spicy pickled peppers).
  • The hot dog may also be sprinkled with celery salt and served with a pickle spear on the side.
  • The condiments are added in a specific order, with the mustard, relish, and onions placed on the hot dog first, followed by the tomato slices, pickle spear, and sport peppers.
  • A key feature of a Chicago-style hot dog is that it is never served with ketchup, which is considered a sacrilege by many Chicagoans.
  • Chicago-style hot dogs are often served at hot dog stands and restaurants throughout the city of Chicago and are a popular street food. They are a beloved tradition in Chicago and are enjoyed by locals and visitors alike. If you ever have the chance to try one, I highly recommend it!

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