

Cendol is a popular dessert in many Southeast Asian countries, including Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, and Brunei. The main ingredient of cendol is a type of green worm-like jelly made from rice flour and green food coloring, usually from pandan leaves. The jelly is served in a bowl of shaved ice with coconut milk, palm sugar syrup, and sometimes other toppings such as red beans, glutinous rice, or durian.

To make cendol, the rice flour is mixed with water and pandan juice, and then steamed in a special mold. The resulting jelly is then cut into small pieces and served cold. Cendol can be found in many street food stalls, night markets, and restaurants in Southeast Asia.

Cendol is known for its refreshing and unique taste, making it a popular treat especially during hot weather. In addition to its refreshing taste, cendol is also believed to have some health benefits. For example, palm sugar and coconut milk are rich in vitamins and minerals.

If you have the opportunity to visit Southeast Asia, I would highly recommend trying cendol. It's a delicious and unique cultural experience that you won't forget!

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