

Sure, I'd be happy to help you learn about capocollo!

Capocollo is a type of cured meat that is popular in Italy, particularly in the regions of Calabria, Sicily, and Emilia-Romagna. It is made from the muscle that runs from the neck to the shoulder of the pig, and is sometimes called "gabagool" or "coppa" in different parts of Italy.

To make capocollo, the pork muscle is trimmed of excess fat, seasoned with a blend of spices (which can include salt, black pepper, garlic, and paprika, among others), and then stuffed into a natural casing. The meat is then allowed to cure for several weeks or months, during which time it develops a firm texture and rich, savory flavor.

Capocollo can be sliced thin and served as part of an antipasto platter, or used as an ingredient in sandwiches or salads. It is known for its distinctive marbling, which gives it a rich, buttery texture and a bold, slightly spicy flavor.

If you're interested in trying capocollo, you can find it at many specialty food stores or online. It's a delicious and versatile ingredient that is sure to add flavor and depth to any dish. Enjoy!

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