

Certainly! Capicola is a type of Italian cured meat that originates from the Campania region in southern Italy. It's also known as "capocollo" or "coppa" in Italian.

Capicola is made from the dry-cured meat of pork shoulder or neck, similar to prosciutto. The meat is first seasoned with a blend of spices, herbs, and garlic, then it's left to cure for several weeks. The curing process helps to develop a distinctive flavor and texture, as well as to preserve the meat for longer storage.

The name "capicola" comes from the Latin "capitellum," which means "small head," likely referring to the fact that the pork shoulder is often cured in a shape resembling a small head.

Capicola is often served thinly sliced as an antipasto or used in various Italian dishes, such as panini, pizza, and pasta sauces. It's known for its delicate flavor, slight sweetness, and chewy texture.

If you're interested in trying capicola, you can find it at Italian delis or specialty stores. It's a versatile ingredient that can be used in many different dishes, and it's also delicious on its own or paired with other Italian meats and cheeses.

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