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A cafeteria is a type of food service location where customers select their own food and drinks from a variety of options, usually displayed behind a serving counter. Cafeterias are common in settings such as schools, universities, hospitals, and workplaces.

In a cafeteria, customers typically start by taking a tray and moving down a line of food options. They can choose from a range of items, which may include hot and cold dishes, salads, sandwiches, soups, and desserts. Customers can also usually choose from a variety of beverages, such as coffee, tea, juice, or soft drinks.

Once customers have selected their food and drinks, they pay for their items at a cash register and then find a place to sit and eat. Cafeterias often have plenty of seating options, ranging from individual tables and chairs to communal tables and booths.

Cafeterias can be a convenient and affordable option for people who want to grab a quick and easy meal. They often offer a variety of healthy and convenient options, such as salads, fruits, and whole grains. Cafeterias can also be a social setting where people can gather to eat and connect with others.

Overall, cafeterias are a common and useful type of food service location that offer a convenient and affordable way for people to get a meal.

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