Bombay Duck

Bombay Duck

about Bombay Duck!

Bombay Duck is a popular Indian dish that originated in the city of Mumbai (formerly known as Bombay). It is a type of fried fish dish that is made with a variety of fish, typically batfish or pufferfish, which is then coated in a spicy batter and deep-fried until crispy.

The dish is believed to have gotten its name from the fact that the fish is often dried and flattened before being fried, which makes it resemble a duck. The dish is often served with a variety of accompaniments, such as rice, roti (flatbread), or raita (a yogurt-based side dish).

Bombay Duck is a popular street food in India, and it is often served at roadside stalls and markets. It is also a popular dish in Indian restaurants around the world.

One of the key ingredients in Bombay Duck is the use of a spicy batter that is made with a variety of spices, including chili powder, turmeric, coriander, and garam masala. The batter is mixed with water to create a thick, consistent coating that adheres to the fish when it is fried.

To make Bombay Duck, the fish is typically cleaned and cut into small pieces before being coated in the batter. The fish is then deep-fried in oil until it is golden brown and crispy. Some variations of the dish may include additional ingredients, such as onions, tomatoes, or bell peppers, which are added to the batter before frying.

Bombay Duck is often served with a variety of chutneys or sauces, such as tamarind or coriander chutney. It is also commonly served with a side of salad or raita to help cool down the spiciness of the dish.

Overall, Bombay Duck is a delicious and flavorful Indian dish that is popular around the world. Its unique combination of spices and crispy fried fish makes it a favorite among many foodies and Indian cuisine enthusiasts.

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