Ayam Penyet

Ayam Penyet

Ah, Ayam Penyet! I'm delighted to introduce you to this delicious dish from Indonesia. "Penyet" in English means "to press" or "smashed," and it describes the cooking process of the dish - flattening the chicken before frying it.

First, let's get to know the star of the show - the chicken. It begins its life as a happy, free-range chicken, pecking and roaming around the lush Indonesian countryside. Once it reaches its perfectly plump size, it's time to say goodbye to its feathery exterior, revealing its tender, juicy self beneath. The chicken then gets treated to a special marinade, a well-guarded secret blend of herbs and spices native to the Indonesian archipelago.

Now, let's skip ahead a bit (I don't want to get too technical!) and imagine that our chicken is now de-feathered, marinated, and ready to be transformed into something magical. It's time for our chicken to become "penyet." The expert cook will carefully place the chicken onto a specially designed, traditional wooden block and use a wooden mallet to flatten the chicken, ensuring every crevice and surface area gets coated with the marinade.

Next, it's time for the chicken to meet the wok of hot oil, sizzling away, eagerly awaiting the chicken's arrival. The once-flat chicken now plumps up, regaining its shape but acquiring a golden, crispy skin that makes your mouth water just by looking at it.

Now, it's time for plating. A bed of warm, fluffy rice serves as the base, with a side of fresh, crisp vegetable "accompaniments" such as cucumber slices, raw bitter gourd (if you're into that kind of thing!), and blanched long beans. The chicken is then carefully placed next to these, as if it's posing for a glamour shot.

But wait, there's more! It's time to garnish this beautiful creation. We sprinkle some crispy, fried shallots on top and drizzle some spicy, tangy sambal (chili paste) sauce all over, just to balance all the flavors and textures.

And there you have it - a mouth-watering, lip-smacking, sensational Ayam Penyet. It's a symphony of flavors and textures, from the crispy, golden skin to the juicy, tender chicken, all brought together in harmony with the fragrant rice, fresh vegetables, and tangy sambal. Enjoy your culinary adventure!

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