Angulas Baby Eels

Angulas Baby Eels

Angulas, also known as baby eels, are the elvers or juvenile form of the European eel (Anguilla anguilla). These tiny eels are highly valued in Spanish cuisine, particularly in the Basque Country, where they are a delicacy.

Angulas are usually sold frozen and can be quite expensive due to their limited availability and the challenges associated with their fishing and cultivation. The fishing of angulas is regulated to preserve the species, and as a result, their price tends to be high.

To prepare angulas, they are typically cooked very simply, often sautéed in olive oil with garlic and a touch of chili. This quick cooking method ensures that the eels remain tender and succulent. They can be served on their own as a tapa or appetizer or combined with other ingredients, such as migas (fried breadcrumbs) or scrambled eggs.

When eating angulas, it is customary to use a fork or even to eat them with a spoon directly from the small earthenware dish they are traditionally served in, called a cazuela. Due to their delicate texture, it is best to chew them gently.

The taste of angulas is often described as being mildly sweet and delicate, with a slight brininess that hints at their origins in the sea. Their unique flavor and texture make them a sought-after ingredient in Spanish gastronomy.

If you are unable to find or afford angulas, you can use a substitute like thin spaghetti or rice noodles to mimic the appearance and texture of the eels. These alternatives can be prepared in a similar manner, using garlic, olive oil, and chili to create a flavor profile similar to that of angulas.

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